Is this the last handout?
Last July one of the countless pre election promises
made by Kevin Rudd was $7.5 million to help Ta Ann Tasmania (TAT) build a new
plywood mill.
Relying on endemic amnesia amongst voters, the
shameless local member elected at the same time as Kevin Rudd’s brief
reappearance thankfully ended, last week was able to proudly announce that he
had secured the $7.5 million handout for TAT.
TAT, it was claimed will contribute $8.3 million
towards the construction of the $15.8 million facility in Smithton.
That’s a bit of an overstatement as $5.7 million is
due soon, also from the Australian Government, as final settlement of the $26
million for surrendering 108,000 m3 of its annual wood supply as per
the Tasmanian Forests Agreement.
So TAT will only have to find $2.6 million.
The Smithton plant go-ahead came hard on the heels of
the release of TAT’s 2013 financial statements (its financial year ended on 31st
December) as well as that of the ultimate holding company, Ta Ann Holdings
Berhad, listed in Malaysia.
The reports offer an intriguing look at how the group