Tuesday 27 February 2024

Election 2024: End of the UTAS dream?


Reading between the lines of the Liberals’ statement vowing to block the sale of UTAS’ Sandy Bay properties, one gets the feeling it’s a PR masterstroke from UTAS. They’ll now be able to say they were forced to change course rather than having to admit it was a crock of an idea in the first place.

The Liberal’s statement about the striking “the right balance between protecting the public interest and allowing the University to get on with their business”, is a classic way of getting everyone off the hook. The Libs can say they listen to voters and UTAS can say they were forced to abandon the dream that was going to reform Tasmania, without having to reveal how it had become a nightmare.

To further state UTAS should be allowed to get on with their business is simply mealy mouthed nonsense when they know full well that will mean UTAS knocking on the government’s door for approval to borrow more to get out of the deep dark hole it has dug for itself.

The question for the Libs now becomes, to what extent will they rein in UTAS’ excesses and make it more accountable as a condition of more borrowings?

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