Monday 9 October 2023

Macquarie Point Stadium: Gold Mine or Fools Gold?

(Co-written with Graeme Wells, Adjunct Senior Researcher at the University of Tasmania).

The public discussion re the proposed AFL stadium at Macquarie Point has become a bit of a shouting match where the pro and cons of an AFL side and the manoeuvrings of politicians and AFL managers have taken centre stage.

In our view it is important we don’t lose sight of the fundamentals which must underpin sensible public policy. It is for this reason we have chosen to comment on a recent study given prominence in the media which essentially ridiculed expert reports about the economic case for the stadium.

Mr Hanson’s recent contribution to the economic case for the proposed AFL stadium has received extensive coverage in the Mercury. It has been described as uncovering a gold mine for Tasmania. He claims to identify deficiencies in the expert analysis provided to the government. Unfortunately, his creative adjustments to the government business case, which included a benefit cost analysis (BCA), are misleading and based on a misunderstanding of BCAs. This article is intended to correct the record.